I have been having treatment for lower back pains and a displaced hip. The Tendring osteopaths have always been very informative with my treatment, giving me following up exercises to aid my daily lifestyle.
I would, and do recommend the Tendring osteopaths to anyone needing treatment.
– Nigel from Frinton-on-Sea
I have attended the Tendring Osteopaths clinic for 8 years. I am treated for low back pain and from time to time neck and shoulder stress pain.
As I suffer from osteoarthritis, he has also used laser and acupuncture therapy as part of the treatment to help with stress.
I am a full time carer for my 92 year old mother and need to visit the clinic on a regular basis to help with stress.
My mother has also been a long term patient of the Tendring Osteopaths and her gradual deterioration, due to arthritis and osteoporosis was treated here until she became confined to bed.
Due to the Tendring Osteopaths care, she was able to remain mobile until her 90’s
– Jill from Frinton-on-Sea
Playing golf had reached the stage of throwing the clubs away due to the shoulder pain and the difficulty in swinging correctly, last in most competitions rather than the upper level.
After a consultation and a couple of treatments i am getting back to previous ability, more importantly, enjoying the game again and without pain.
Comments from one of my playing partners ‘however much your treatment costs it was worthwhile, you are moving freely again’ – Ian Johnson
I have been a patient of Trevor’s for approximately 5 years and see him for maintenance treatments. I suffer from both upper and lower lumbar stiffness and my treatment relieve this immediately.
It progresses to improve over the next few days to 100% recovery. Due to the nature of my work as a massage therapist this improvement will last 2 to 4 months. I can highly recommend Trevor and the advice he gives really helps – Vivienne from Frinton-on-Sea
Whenever I walked in excess of half of a mile I would experience a pain and swelling in my right ankle
My wife nagged me to visit an Osteopath to receivetreatment as it was really curtailing my movement
I made an appointment at The Old road clinic where I fully expected the treatment to be a series physiotherapy together with a number of exercises
I was sceptical when the Osteopath suggested that the recommended treatment would be foot inserts
This involved a foot scan and included a video of how I walked and put pressure on my feet/joints etc.
As a result of the information collected there was a bespoke pair of foot inserts made for me
I am really pleased with the results and my ability to walk for extend periods has increased by 100%
Lizzie from Brentwood ‘I had suffered with back pain for over two years, I originally saw a physiotherapist who gave me temporary period of relief, but the majority of the time I was using pain relievers. I was originally recommended to Trevor via a friend, I had two treatments and a gait analysis, which revealed the cause of my back pain. I have worn the orthotics for over a year and I’m 100% improved. from time to time I need a top up session with Trevor, but I’m no longer reliant on pain killers I have started back at sports I hadn’t been able to play for years.
My two girls have also had treatment with Trevor, my younger daughter is under the care of a consultant but she is more than happy with Trevor’s diagnosis and for him to manage her treatment’